Thursday, December 31, 2009

The New Year

It is currently just after midnight on New Year's Eve, and instead of going to bed, I've decided to blog instead. I'm trying to blog more often to keep my creative juices going, but to no avail. Lately my time has been taken up by catching up on television shows I've missed, due to the lack of having cable. Currently, I'm ubber obsessed with "Glee" and the teacher Mr. Scheuster played by Matthew Morrison, whom before this show, I had never heard of, therefore, I IMDB'ed him, and watched some movies he's been in such as, 'Once Upon a Mattress,' kind of interesting but the acting (not all, but most) was horribly corny and cheesy and hard to believe the characters, and watched 'Dan in Real Life' which he had a minor role in. He was the cop that kept pulling over Dan, he was just great. Then I youtube'd him, and found some clips of some of his broadway performances such as Hairspray as the original broadway Link Larkin, as much as I like Zac Efron, Matthew was way better.

I've also been catching up on "True Blood" an HBO show that's incredible. That's all I'll say, because I don't want to spoil it for you. Then, tonight I caught the latest episode of "Eastwick" in which they are playing the remainder episodes, and canceling it. It's an amazing show based off the book, which I had no idea it was a book, but also the basis of the 1980's (I believe) of "The Witches of Eastwick" which starred Jack Nickelson.

What I really should be doing with my current free time, is uploading all the remaining concert footage that I have from last years Hallows and Horcruxes Ball II, before the one coming up in April. I am also hoping beyond hope, that I can get off work on January 20th, because the band Owl City with their hit song "Fireflies" is coming to campus for a concert and apparently it's selling out and I don't want to buy a ticket and not be able to go, but then if I can get off, then I won't have a ticket to go. So, it's a pickle of a dilemma.

I am also, now 25, ugh. My first thought was "I'm half-way to 50." But that's looking at getting older in a negative light, yes I wish I didn't have to grow old, but who doesn't? I mean, I like who I am and I have fun with being who I am, and don't care if people judge me, well, I care but not in the sense that I would change myself to please others. I have my morals even if people don't agree with them or see eye to eye on the same topics. I do get made fun of occasionally for watching and actually liking High School Musical, but what's wrong with that? Musicals are fun and entertaining, and besides it's rated G which means it's for everyone. Now I would understand if it was rated Y for young audiences like some shows are on television, but G means everyone, well technically it means general, but it's the same thing. So me getting older should be a negative thing, it should be full of joy, so I can share my joy of the life I have, no matter how much things I have or don't have, with others and still be able to act like a kid once in a while. Everyone has that inner-child they just need to release once in a while and there's no harm in that.

Well, I have actually written more than I have intended to, but nevertheless, I feel slightly better and I'm not sure who actually reads these, but if anyone gets use out of them, then I guess I've done my job as a writer. I really should be going to bed now, and perhaps another one of these will come tomorrow. Good night all.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas All!

I would like to take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all. It has been a while since my last blog, that I thought I'd take the liberty to write one now. :) It is currently Christmas Break and Christmas is in just in a couple days, but my break hasn't been going too well. I mean break is great, no classes, etc, but there's plenty to worry about.

My GPA went down a little and after the episode over the summer I can't afford my GPA to get lower (please don't ask). Plus, today I get a text from my mom that a girl I graduated high school with in 2003, has passed away last night, and there's no one here for me to talk to about it, since everyone has gone home for break. So, I continually have music, movies, on, etc. to keep me from having quiet time to think. I hate that things just keep happening like this. Four years ago the same thing happened, but obviously to someone else from my high school graduating class and I was in denial and for some reason hysterical, even though, the guy and I never got along in high school, but loosing a peer and someone you know is extremely hard, especially when their the same age as you. So, if I know when the funeral is I'm going to try to go, hopefully, it's not Monday, but if it is that's okay too. My only objection to Monday is, is the fact it's my birthday and I would hate to go to a funeral on my birthday.

Sorry if this blog is a bit depressing/boring, but I had to write something since I have no one to talk to about it until everyone comes back in January or when/if I go home on Christmas. We're suppose to have 8 inches of snow by Friday, Christmas but I can't go home if there's that much snow or county people suck at trying to keep roads clear. We had nine inches of snow a couple weeks ago, and they didn't shovel my street for 2 days after it quit snowing, I'm not holding high standards for this time either.

Have a joyous Holiday and hope you're breaks are/is going better than mine.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Weather Rant of Sorts

So, I'm currently sitting in class and being bored to death as usual, with the rapidly approaching finals which are next week. However, today I am going to rant about the weather and how undesired it is. It all started on Sunday, when it was heavily snowing then it slowed down to practically nothing, and under that snow was some ice, mostly black ice. That wasn't to bad, but Monday it was lightly snowing, but that night the snow picked up and by morning there was about four inches of snow covering the ground and it was still SNOWING!! It snowed throughout the day, and now there is around 8-10 inches of snow, some areas more due to drifting last night and this morning with the wind.

Needless to say, I had to be at work at seven this morning. I decided that I would take a shower last night, then I had to make cookies for class presentations for today and got up at 5:45 this morning and cleared off my car, which through the night was around an inch-ish of snow. Had there not been tire tracks all over my street, etc. I would have most-likely would have walked because our roads haven't been cleared as of yet. Therefore, a normal five minute drive took around fifteen minutes. Having to walk to class was horrible, not only is it freezing, but the sidewalks aren't cleared enough or at all to get to class. Some of which is ice, which glares up at me as if threatening to make me fall. It looks as if they attempted to clear the sidewalks but stopped, however, they didn't put down any rock-salt in which case I have slipped, but have yet to fall. It's a shame that the streets are clearer (and that's not saying much), than the sidewalks.

I am now, going to get down off my soapbox and leave you to your day, and plus my class is almost over. So have a great day! DFTBA!

Monday, December 7, 2009

What's New?

It's another boring day of not much else to do. Wait...I take that back, I have the unfortunate luck of having to skip class this morning, hence me typing this right now. Why am I skipping class this morning, you may ask? Well, I have this major research paper that's due by 5 pm this afternoon, and I have a paragraph out of 10 pages actually accomplished, so yeah, that takes priority at the moment. The reason it's not completed as of yet, is due to my procrastination, and I thought the paper was actually due this Friday, until our professor told us not to forget about our paper due Monday. Apparently, I misread our syllabus.

On a slightly different and upbeat note, it is December! Which means Christmas is just around the corner, one of my favorite holidays, and maybe because my birthday soon follows Christmas as well. :) Another good thing about December is that next week is finals week, and the semester will finally be over, too much stuff keeps piling up throughout the semester and so by the time I actually have time to do stuff, I have a stack of stuff to do that's a mile high. So the end of the semester is just great. What would be even more great, is if I actually was graduating, but I'm not. :(

Last night, I went to my brother's Christmas by Candlelight concert at the college where he attends and it was pretty great, like it is the last couple years I have gone. Luckily, there weren't any "Nargles in the Mistletoe" (from Jingle Spells 2 by the Moaning Myrtles), so as this is a shorter blog due to me desperately needing to work on my paper, I will leave you and hope to do another blog soon. :) xxxx

Other places to find me:

Monday, November 23, 2009

New Moon Review Take 2

So, I attempted to write a review talking and discussing the Midnight Premiere and describing the line and atmosphere, but with one wrong click *poof* it's gone and I have to start over. However, instead of re-writing everything I had before, unless you want me too, most is described in my youtube video that I'll be posting shortly.

Anyways, skipping over everything else and going straight into the the New Moon Review. I really loved it. I switched teams after contemplating over it all weekend. I mean Edward leaves Bella promising never to come back, like he never existed, so it's technically his fault that she falls in love with Jacob. He was there for her when Edward wasn't, so I'm pretty sure I'm Team Jacob now, besides the fact that Bella was using him, even if she didn't realize it till later, plus did you see those muscles. *swoons*

Chris Weitz did an EXCEPTIONAL job with the movie, I didn't leave disappointed. I went to the Midnight release and later that same night, that's how EXTRAORDINAIRE the movie is.


My favorite lines:

"Happy Birthday, Bella."~Edward Cullen
"Don't ruin me."~Bella Swan
"Well, your birth is definitely something to celebrate."~Edward Cullen
"My agings not."~Bella Swan
"Your aging? Isn't 18 a little old to be worrying about that."~Edward Cullen
"It's one year older than you."~Bella Swan
"No it's not, I'm 109."~Edward Cullen
"Then maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man... It's gross."~Bella Swan

"Dating an older woman? Hot."~Emmett Cullen

"You're sort of beautiful."~Bella Swan
"How hard did you hit your head?"~Jacob Black

"Famous ladies' man."~Charlie Swan

"I need to go home... I was feeling sick before the movie."~Mike Newton

"What a marshmallow. You should hold out for a guy with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit."~Jacob Black

"You like me right? And you think I'm sort of beautiful?"~Jacob Black

*Bella shivering in the truck*
"It's 108 degrees over here."~Jacob Black

"Did you ever have a secret you couldn't tell anyone? One that wasn't yours to share? That's what it's like for me, but worse. You have no idea how tight I'm bound."~Jacob Black
"I hate this. I hate what they've done to you."~Bella Swan
"I mean the killer part, is you already know. Bella, do you remember when we walked on the beach at La Push. The st..."~Jacob Black
"The story, the story about the cold-ones."~Bella Swan
"I guess I'll understand why that's the only part you remember."~Jacob Black

"Jake's kind of a werewolf."~Bella Swan
"Bella, werewolves aren't good company to keep."~Alice Cullen
"Speak for yourself. I had to make sure you were safe."~Jacob Black
"I thought you couldn't protect me here?"~Bella Swan
"I guess I don't care."~Jacob Black

"I can't see past you, and your pack of mutts."~Alice Cullen
"Don't get me's going to get ugly in here."~Jacob Black

"You're not going anywhere right? You're coming right back, right?"~Bella Swan
"As soon as you put the dog out."~Alice Cullen

The most funny part of the movie for me was when Aro is seeing the future from Alice, and sees how Bella will be a vampire, and Edward and Bella are frolicking through the forest. I laughed really hard, and I know it was suppose to be serious, but all I could think was the deer scene from "Milo and Otis" frolick and leap, frolick and leap. I'm even laughing as I type this.

I have too many favorite scenes to name off, almost all of them involve Jacob and/or Alice. My rating for this movie out of 5 stars is 5, I know, I know. But hey it's a thousand times better than Twilight and the new director had a passion and feel of the movie and I hope he directs Breaking Dawn.

I think you should should stop reading this and go and see the movie. What are you waiting for? GO! :D

The Nargles loved it and so will you. :D

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Interesting facts and Omegle

Today was my best friends birthday; she turned 21 but she can't drink due to the fact that she's pregnant. So, we're sitting in iHop arguing over whether I should tell the staff it's her birthday, when out of the blue, the staff were coming out across the restaurant to sick "Happy Birthday" to some else. She kept saying, "Don't do it, I'll walk home," of course, if it had been my birthday she would have done it to me. So every once in a while I would start humming the "Birthday Song," and she'd start shaking her head. But overall today wasn't too bad a day, there are suppose to be meteors out tonight, I might force my roommate to go and try to see them with me, but it may be too cloudy to see, since it's suppose to snow.

Onto another topic, last night I was on Omegle and was surprised by how many Nerdfighters were on there, but of course, it turned out that John Green tweeted that he was on there so everyone was hoping to find him, me included. Before I read he was on there, I tried different things to mess with people's heads by telling them I was Harry Potter or something like that, here are some Omegle conversations I saved that were just funny, one of them was a Harry Potter conversation held for over an hour:

You: Hi I'm Hermione Granger
Stranger: my name is ron weasley
You: Ron, where have you been?
You: I've been looking for you
Stranger: i've been in the hall, eating
You: That figures
Stranger: Have you seen Scabbers?
You: No, I haven't did you ask Harry?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: He hasn't seen him either
You: Sorry, Ron I haven't seen him
You: Maybe he's at Hagrid's
Stranger: I've check there already
Stranger: I think Crookshanks ate him!
You: No! Crookshanks wouldn't hurt a fly!
Stranger: Your ruddy cat is always trying to eat Scabber
You: It's in a cat's nature to eat rats, but I tell you he didn't do it!
Stranger: Yeah right
You: Why must you blame everything on my cat?
You: You probably just lost him
You: Just like Neville always looses his toad
Stranger: I'm not like Neville
You: Well, no not exactly, but I wish you wouldn't blame my cat every time you loose Scabbers
Stranger: I'm sorry, I'm just annoyed
You: You're nervous about the Quidditch game tomorrow against Slytherin?
Stranger: Yeah, but we're gonna beat Draco and his team cuz we've got Harry.
You: We've got you too
You: You're a great Keeper
Stranger: Thanks
You: Anytime Ron
Stranger: Where is Harry anyway?
You: I don't know, I haven't seen him
You: He might be in Dumbledore's Office again, it's where he spends most of his time these days
Stranger: Yeah, true
Stranger: I wonder what he does in there?
You: Doesn't it have to do with Tom Riddle?
Stranger: Yes, and the diary he found
You: True, I still can't believe that Malfoy's dad snuck it into your sister's cauldron
Stranger: I don't like those Malfoys
You: I know, I just get this bad feeling about them
You: I feel more uneasy around Draco's father though, I haven't figured out why though
Stranger: Yes, I thinks he's evil
You: Ronald!!
Stranger: There's a rumor going around that he's a deatheater
You: That's a very serious accusation
Stranger: Haven't you heard?
You: Draco a deatheater? Voldemort would never make a student a deatheater
You: Rumors are just that. Rumors
Stranger: I don't know, these are desperate times
You: You can't believe everything you hear Ron
You: Maybe, but I highly doubt Draco is a deatheater
You: he's young and what would be in it for him?
Stranger: I s'pose you're right.
You: Do you have Quidditch practice tonight?
Stranger: Yes
You: Have you also studied for your charms exam?
Stranger: ummm no
Stranger: I was hoping you could help me with that
You: Do you even use those homework planners I gave you?
You: I could help you study, I suppose, since I too need to study
You: But I'm not doing the work for you
Stranger: Of course
Stranger: You're the greatest Hermione
You: Thanks
You: Well, my bag is in the common room along with my books
Stranger: O.K
You: Where's your bag, Ron?
Stranger: I think I left it in the hall
You: Well, let's get going if we're going to get any studying done before you go to Quidditch practice
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: I can't wait 'til Quidditch practice. It will be the first time Harry will be training with his new broom
You: Let me guess? He said you could have a go on it after practice?
Stranger: Yes, I can't wait
You: I don't see how flying around on with a broom between your legs can possibly be comfortable or fun for that matter
Stranger: It's not comfortable but it's worth it when we kick the other team's butt
You: I see Ron
You: Oh, there's your bag
Stranger: Oh thanks
Stranger: There you are Scabbers!
You: I told you Crookshanks didn't eat him!!
Stranger: Im sorry I accused you
Stranger: But i'm still not going to leave this rat alone with your cat
You: Be more careful with your pets Ron
You: Well, my bag is in the Common Room
Stranger: Ok lets go
You: Alright
You: I hope the Fat Lady's there, I really need to study
Stranger: She's probably there, she doesn't move much. I just hope she doesn't start sining!
You: I know! It's not that she's a bad singer it's just that she'll keep singing and not let us in
Stranger: Yeah, but she's not that great a singer either
You: Ah, there she is
Stranger: Good
You: Please tell me she's not asleep
Stranger: I don't think so. There's Neville, he's probably forgot the password and can't get in
You: Great, not that Neville forgot the password but she's not asleep
Stranger: Do you remember the password?
You: Umm...oh yeah Pigfarts
Stranger: O yeah
Stranger: *ahem* Pigfarts!
You: Alright, I think I left my bag by the fireplace
Stranger: OK
You: *shuffling around* Have you heard of Pigfarts, Ron?
Stranger: No i haven't. The Fat Lady comes up with some strange things as passwords sometimes
You: Well, I was curious about Pigfarts so I went to the library to look it up
Stranger: Really? What did you find
You: Not much, they suggested youtube to me
Stranger: Youtube?
You: Yes, youtube
Stranger: Whats that?
You: Umm...well in the muggle world we have the computers that access the internet and it's an easy way to look up information quickly but not always reliable
Stranger: Oh. Muggles are strange people. No offence to your parents
You: You can go to and type in anything and search quickly for any information
You: *raises eyebrows* None taken Ron
You: Well, anyways, you type in and you can watch videos there so I searched for Pigfarts and it gave me this musical
Stranger: Oh
You: It seems to be based somewhat on Harry's life
Stranger: Hmm, very interesting
You: It was called "A Very Potter Musical" and apparently according to the actor that play's Draco Pigfarts is on Mars
You: And the headmaster is a lion who can talk
Stranger: Mars? wow
You: his name is Rumbleroar
Stranger: Thats not very accurate
You: So I went ahead and watched all the parts of the musical and it was kind of funny in a way
You: Well, I didn't say it was accurate Ron, I just said that's what it said
Stranger: Oh my God Hermione Shut Up!
Stranger: Why do you have to rain on everybodies parade?
Stranger: Im sorry about that outburst
Stranger: I'm just nervous about the Quidditch game
You: No it's fine Ron
You: *chuckling inside*
You: I think we need to study
Stranger: You know Hermione, we are all alone is this common room
You: Yeah, so?
Stranger: We could do things and no one would know
Stranger: *shuffles closer*
You: I'm sure someone would know
You: Nothing's secret at Hogwarts, especially with Dumbledore as Headmaster
Stranger: Noone would know
Stranger: All the pictures are asllep
You: The portraits on the wall would know
Stranger: Noone's watching
You: Ron, I really think we should study for that charms test tomorrow morning?
Stranger: Yes i guess so
You: Alright, ah, here is my Charms book
You: *sits on the couch by the fire*
Stranger: Here's mine.
You: Cool
Stranger: *sits on couch*
You: ooc: I kind of need to go, I have to finish a paper for class
Stranger: Which class?
You: Shakespeare
Stranger: We don't study Shakespeare at Hogwarts do we?
You: I meant in real life :)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: are you in the very potter musical?
You: no
Stranger: how old are you?
You: I'll be 25 next month
Stranger: cool
Stranger: coo
You: you?
Stranger: happy birthday for then
Stranger: 16
You: cool
You: you can find me on twitter or youtube
Stranger: Are you at Uni?
You: yes
Stranger: oh
Stranger: k
You: yep
Stranger: what?
You: what?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Followed by:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Oh hi, friend.
You: I'm Edward Cullen
Stranger: Oh, oh!
Stranger: I'm Isabella Swan :]
You: Hi Bella
Stranger: Edward, want to make love a few books before Breaking Dawn?
Stranger: Please?
Stranger: I need a kid NOW.
Stranger: And Vampire-ism.
Stranger: PLEASE.
You: No, Bella, you don't know what you're asking
Stranger: Yes I do. :\
Stranger: I know more than your hundred year experience as a vampire.
Stranger: Because I read the encyclopedia.
You: You don't want to be a monster like me
Stranger: Everyday.
Stranger: Yes I DO!!
You: It sounds more like you want to rape me Bella
Stranger: Haha, good one Edward. :]
Stranger: Your sense of humor is still with you.
You: I do try
Stranger: You try very well.
You: Thanks
Stranger: You're very welcome.
Stranger: Well, you're boring now. I'll go get my eternal life from somebody else. Maybe even Jasper. Hmm..
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

And this one blew my mind:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: .............................. ........................................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
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.................................................. ............................(_''~-': : : : : : : : :
.................................................. .............................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--never Gonna
.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ -----give You Up!
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You Just Got Rick Roll'd!
avada just lost the game.

Stranger: HA!
You: that was clever
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: Thanks!
You: must have takin' alot of time
Stranger: Yess!
Stranger: But not for me!
You: lol
You: dftba
Stranger: ?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: wat?
You: don't forget to be awesome
Stranger: I wont!
Stranger: Hehehhehe
Stranger: :3
Stranger: kittty!!!
You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello, my name is Harry Potter pleasure to meet you
Stranger: greetings, i am dumble dore
You: Professor, it's so good to see you
Stranger: hmmmm quite so young lad
Stranger: why arent you in class?
You: Well, I thought I'd run down and see Hagrid but Umbridge caught me
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Those were just some of my favorites, I use Omegle occasionally when I'm bored and have nothing better to do, but I met so many Nerdfighters, it was just great. But as I head off to do a poem, those Nargles have began an uprising, so until next time, Chao!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Writing a Paper

So, instead of writing my paper that's due tomorrow, I've decided to start a blog instead. I know what you're thinking, "Then go do your paper!!" Well, I wish it were that simple. I'm having trouble coming up with a good argument for my paper. It's for my Intro to Shakespeare class, and on The Merchant of Venice. I have what we're suppose to write on by trying to actually get all of the ideas out of my head and into paper form is another story.

We are suppose to write an argument with a supporting thesis statement as to whether or not The Merchant of Venice is comedy or tragedy, apparently it's been called both. So, I have a title but that's as far as it goes, and it has to be between 4-6 pages. Hmmm? I guess I'm behind, huh?

Well, not only that I have to write a poem for tomorrow as well that is 14 lines long and each line is exactly 10 syllables, and it's being called a Sonnet. Well, no ideas on a topic for that. I really suck at writing poetry, but it was either that class or non-fiction writing. I chose something other than non-fiction.

Not only, am I behind on those and blogging at the moment, but I'm also extremely behind in NaNoWriMo, this is my first attempt at writing 50,000 words in a month and I pretty far behind. So, I will probably try to attempt NaNoWriMo next year, I have too many papers and such do this month to finish NaNoWriMo, but this is my first blog, myspace doesn't count. :) I'm looking forward to blogging more, I also Vlog too. But anyways, I need to leave you for now to do my papers, but don't worry I'll be back, and hopefully the Nargles haven't caused too many problems for you.