Anyways, if I were to talk about my day it would just consist of me working 8 hours and doing laundry afterwards, nothing special. Of course, nothing special really ever happens here. However, as of right now according to the Digitour 2011, in which I have already purchased tickets, on May 8th in Lawrence, KS the Digitour will be coming and Starkid and Darren Criss are suppose to be there. Which is super cool. Wheezywaiter will be there, as well along with some others that I'm going to try to familiarize myself with before me and my friend go. Tickets were only $10 and Lawrence is only 1.5-ish hours away, not too terribly far. I'm super psyched, but if I get there and Starkid AND Darren Criss aren't there I'll be majorly upset. There's also a meet and greet afterwards, so maybe I'll end up with an autograph and picture with them. However, as long as I leave with a Darren picture and autograph I'll be perfectly satisfied, my life would be complete.
Well, my request on my collab channel sixisgreaterthanfive, someone wants me to blog about my Harry Potter class I took a few semesters ago. So, I think that's what I'll talk about tomorrow. Until then, DFTBA and I'll see you soon.
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