You: Hi I'm Hermione Granger
Stranger: my name is ron weasley
You: Ron, where have you been?
You: I've been looking for you
Stranger: i've been in the hall, eating
Stranger: Have you seen Scabbers?
You: No, I haven't did you ask Harry?
Stranger: He hasn't seen him either
You: Sorry, Ron I haven't seen him
You: Maybe he's at Hagrid's
Stranger: I've check there already
Stranger: I think Crookshanks ate him!
You: No! Crookshanks wouldn't hurt a fly!
Stranger: Your ruddy cat is always trying to eat Scabber
You: It's in a cat's nature to eat rats, but I tell you he didn't do it!
You: Why must you blame everything on my cat?
You: You probably just lost him
You: Just like Neville always looses his toad
Stranger: I'm not like Neville
You: Well, no not exactly, but I wish you wouldn't blame my cat every time you loose Scabbers
Stranger: I'm sorry, I'm just annoyed
You: You're nervous about the Quidditch game tomorrow against Slytherin?
Stranger: Yeah, but we're gonna beat Draco and his team cuz we've got Harry.
You: You're a great Keeper
Stranger: Where is Harry anyway?
You: I don't know, I haven't seen him
You: He might be in Dumbledore's Office again, it's where he spends most of his time these days
Stranger: I wonder what he does in there?
You: Doesn't it have to do with Tom Riddle?
Stranger: Yes, and the diary he found
You: True, I still can't believe that Malfoy's dad snuck it into your sister's cauldron
Stranger: I don't like those Malfoys
You: I know, I just get this bad feeling about them
You: I feel more uneasy around Draco's father though, I haven't figured out why though
Stranger: Yes, I thinks he's evil
Stranger: There's a rumor going around that he's a deatheater
You: That's a very serious accusation
Stranger: Haven't you heard?
You: Draco a deatheater? Voldemort would never make a student a deatheater
You: Rumors are just that. Rumors
Stranger: I don't know, these are desperate times
You: You can't believe everything you hear Ron
You: Maybe, but I highly doubt Draco is a deatheater
You: he's young and what would be in it for him?
Stranger: I s'pose you're right.
You: Do you have Quidditch practice tonight?
You: Have you also studied for your charms exam?
Stranger: I was hoping you could help me with that
You: Do you even use those homework planners I gave you?
You: I could help you study, I suppose, since I too need to study
You: But I'm not doing the work for you
Stranger: You're the greatest Hermione
You: Well, my bag is in the common room along with my books
You: Where's your bag, Ron?
Stranger: I think I left it in the hall
You: Well, let's get going if we're going to get any studying done before you go to Quidditch practice
Stranger: I can't wait 'til Quidditch practice. It will be the first time Harry will be training with his new broom
You: Let me guess? He said you could have a go on it after practice?
Stranger: Yes, I can't wait
You: I don't see how flying around on with a broom between your legs can possibly be comfortable or fun for that matter
Stranger: It's not comfortable but it's worth it when we kick the other team's butt
You: Oh, there's your bag
Stranger: There you are Scabbers!
You: I told you Crookshanks didn't eat him!!
Stranger: Im sorry I accused you
Stranger: But i'm still not going to leave this rat alone with your cat
You: Be more careful with your pets Ron
You: Well, my bag is in the Common Room
You: I hope the Fat Lady's there, I really need to study
Stranger: She's probably there, she doesn't move much. I just hope she doesn't start sining!
You: I know! It's not that she's a bad singer it's just that she'll keep singing and not let us in
Stranger: Yeah, but she's not that great a singer either
You: Please tell me she's not asleep
Stranger: I don't think so. There's Neville, he's probably forgot the password and can't get in
You: Great, not that Neville forgot the password but she's not asleep
Stranger: Do you remember the password?
You: Umm...oh yeah Pigfarts
Stranger: *ahem* Pigfarts!
You: Alright, I think I left my bag by the fireplace
You: *shuffling around* Have you heard of Pigfarts, Ron?
Stranger: No i haven't. The Fat Lady comes up with some strange things as passwords sometimes
You: Well, I was curious about Pigfarts so I went to the library to look it up
Stranger: Really? What did you find
You: Not much, they suggested youtube to me
You: Umm...well in the muggle world we have the computers that access the internet and it's an easy way to look up information quickly but not always reliable
Stranger: Oh. Muggles are strange people. No offence to your parents
You: You can go to and type in anything and search quickly for any information
You: *raises eyebrows* None taken Ron
You: Well, anyways, you type in and you can watch videos there so I searched for Pigfarts and it gave me this musical
You: It seems to be based somewhat on Harry's life
Stranger: Hmm, very interesting
You: It was called "A Very Potter Musical" and apparently according to the actor that play's Draco Pigfarts is on Mars
You: And the headmaster is a lion who can talk
You: his name is Rumbleroar
Stranger: Thats not very accurate
You: So I went ahead and watched all the parts of the musical and it was kind of funny in a way
You: Well, I didn't say it was accurate Ron, I just said that's what it said
Stranger: Oh my God Hermione Shut Up!
Stranger: Why do you have to rain on everybodies parade?
Stranger: Im sorry about that outburst
Stranger: I'm just nervous about the Quidditch game
You: I think we need to study
Stranger: You know Hermione, we are all alone is this common room
Stranger: We could do things and no one would know
Stranger: *shuffles closer*
You: I'm sure someone would know
You: Nothing's secret at Hogwarts, especially with Dumbledore as Headmaster
Stranger: Noone would know
Stranger: All the pictures are asllep
You: The portraits on the wall would know
Stranger: Noone's watching
You: Ron, I really think we should study for that charms test tomorrow morning?
You: Alright, ah, here is my Charms book
You: *sits on the couch by the fire*
Stranger: *sits on couch*
You: ooc: I kind of need to go, I have to finish a paper for class
Stranger: We don't study Shakespeare at Hogwarts do we?
You: I meant in real life :)
Stranger: are you in the very potter musical?
Stranger: how old are you?
You: I'll be 25 next month
Stranger: happy birthday for then
You: you can find me on twitter or youtube
Stranger: Are you at Uni?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Followed by:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: I'm Isabella Swan :]
Stranger: Edward, want to make love a few books before Breaking Dawn?
Stranger: I need a kid NOW.
Stranger: And Vampire-ism.
You: No, Bella, you don't know what you're asking
Stranger: I know more than your hundred year experience as a vampire.
Stranger: Because I read the encyclopedia.
You: You don't want to be a monster like me
You: It sounds more like you want to rape me Bella
Stranger: Haha, good one Edward. :]
Stranger: Your sense of humor is still with you.
Stranger: You try very well.
Stranger: You're very welcome.
Stranger: Well, you're boring now. I'll go get my eternal life from somebody else. Maybe even Jasper. Hmm..
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
And this one blew my mind:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: .............................. ........................................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
.................................................. ..................................,-~''-,:::::::::::::::::::''-,
.................................................. .............................,~''::::::::',::::::: :::::::::::::|',
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.................................................. .............................'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
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.................................................. ............................(_''~-': : : : : : : : :
.................................................. .............................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--never Gonna
.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ -----give You Up!
.................................................. ............................,-''':: :'~,,_: : : : : _,-'
.................................................. ......................__,-';;;;;:''-,: : : :'~---~''/|
.................................................. .............__,-~'';;;;;;/;;;;;;;: :: : :____/: :',__
.................................................. .,-~~~''''_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',. .''-,:|:::::::|. . |;;;;''-,__
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................................................,' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;. . .:::::,'. ./|;;;;;;;;;;;;;|
.............................................,-'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',: : __|. . .|;;;;;;;;;,';;|
...........................................,-";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;',;;;;;;; ;;;; . . |:::|. . .'',;;;;;;;;|;;/
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................................,~'';;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',;;;;;;| |:|. . . . |;;;;;;;|
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You Just Got Rick Roll'd!
avada just lost the game.
You: must have takin' alot of time
Stranger: But not for me!
You: don't forget to be awesome
You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello, my name is Harry Potter pleasure to meet you
Stranger: greetings, i am dumble dore
You: Professor, it's so good to see you
Stranger: hmmmm quite so young lad
Stranger: why arent you in class?
You: Well, I thought I'd run down and see Hagrid but Umbridge caught me
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Those were just some of my favorites, I use Omegle occasionally when I'm bored and have nothing better to do, but I met so many Nerdfighters, it was just great. But as I head off to do a poem, those Nargles have began an uprising, so until next time, Chao!